Hello! Yesterday was the BEST kickoff for our hub. BEST is a robotics compitition. At the kickoff they revealed the challenge. I won’t reveal too much abot it because some hubs haven’t had their kickoff yet.
Now, for an offtopic conversation in google docs (late at night!)
well, i cannot type on kindle.
Then type on a keyboard
I dont know what you do, but i have to go to school.
Ok, so do I.
I also have school
Ok, I got gdocs app. What questions you want to ask?What news do you have that you have not told me in chat because it is hard to type on kindles?
I forgot.
Anything else?
What did you forget?
Maybe I could post the developement status of my program.
Ok. Finally. Some Progress. What program are you making and what is it supposed to do?
Well, at the moment, what it does is it extracts all of the URLs from the history files of the four major browsers and then adds each to the other so they are all synced together history wise. Right now, I am implementing bookmark syncing.
Ok. When do you expect to be done with your project?
A long time from now. If you like, I can send a predevelopment beta exe over.
Hmm… What about a Mac build of the software? Any plans?
First, the core windows must come out, and then I may seek an advanced developer to port, but because windows dominates 95% of the computer industry, it is a priority.
Ok.. Any need for a graphic designer?
I would love one, had not that been a joke.
How about now?Can you layout a UI?
Meaning?? Design the UI?Well, that is jumping the gun a bit. I could use a logo, and icon.
There, I can help (A little).
Do you know why Vectors are better than bitmaps?Vector, never heard that phrase before. what format is that?
They can have different formats, the most common being SVG. They can also be edited in text editors, mostly because vectors (SVGs, at least) are in XML.
XML? Facinating.
Yep. Very. The reason Vectors are better is they can be enlarged without tearing(?) and becoming pixelated. Vectors are geometrical shapes, not just specified locations of where each pixel goes.
You mean, a map of bits( colored coordinates assembled to create a whole image)?
Yes. Bitmaps i think “tear” when they are enlarged. they get pixelated. vectors don’t. (look it up on wikipedia)
Well, that is much theory you know, but can you design graphics?
Well, yes and no. Yes, I can, and no because I might not know all the tricks. Though, I can design a logo.
I was thinking how strange it is that you are “interviewing” me at night on offtopic topics.
Maybe so… Instead of calling this an interview, I might call it an off-topic topic conversation in google docs (Late at night)…
Sounds good. So, do you want a predev exe, or are you only on osx?
OSX and *** linux.
Starts with a C?
I guess…
Do you still have xp vm?
Yes… And a fujitsu laptop that has windows.
You should learn c#, I insist.
Well, I am more into web development and graphic design.
Web? Who uses the web these days? Just the general populace uneducated. only the computer power users uae tbe actual desktop apps now. Amd is likely to be failing soon.
Well, most every company with a web site. Apple, dell, AMD, Nvidia, Ebay, Amazon, etc.
Well anyways, the need for desktop apps will never be gone forever.
I didn’t say that… but I don’t disagree. But the need for OSX DESKTOP APPLICATIONS will never be gone either.
Until the world relises that Linux and Windows is by far the better platform.
Well, no. OSX is designed to be useable. Windows is not. that is why Apple is so successful.
That is true. I have a hard time understanding that, because I am wired to be a power user with a wide range of tools to use. Unfortunately, apple products, while they are fine for the general crowd, are to simplified for my needs.
I can’t understand what that might possibly mean??
What means?
Your statement on Apple products.
Look here. People get stressed out
about their computers because they do not know how to use them. Because they do not know how to use them, apple created a simple platform more aimed at the average user, because the average user does not have to mess with anything, whus no open cases, upgradable parts, no special case or modded cooler, just the average joe setup.When you order from apple, you have some options about what processor, memory, ram, etc. but yes, you might be more limited. On macs, you can still upgrade memory, though. And, I bet if you tried opening a computer from another company, you might find at least on “Warranty Void” sticker.
Ha! Such an irony. If you even try to open an apple, you will lose access to the overpriced support plan.
But I didn’t say you wouldn’t. I just said other companies likely have warranty voids from opening.
That may be true for OEMs, which also tend to oversimplify the computing experience, but a genericized computer operating on the platform developed by Microsoft Corperation give you the flexibility of starting from scratch. It is technically “illegal” to load an apple os on a non-apple certified device, says apple.
But, some people still have “Hackintoshes.” Also, PC stands for “Personal Computer” not Computer that runs an unusable OS.
Unfortunately, I could stay all night, but I need some sleep too.
So lets agree that neither Mac OSX or Windows are better. (Or Linux)
I do agree that they both have a purpose, linux being an oddity.
Bye! Lets continue later.