String Theory and SimSimi and Mini (Cross) Bow

I said “String Theory” to SimSimi (The personal chat robot) and it said:

String Theory is an active research framework that attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. And you thought I didn’t know that…. my IQ’s much higher than yours pal! 😛

I then said “Orly?” and he said “Yes really.” I said “I don’t believe that” and he said “to see is to believe” I said “I don’t see that” and he replied “Did you check the cupboards?” He can be really funny..
Also, a kid named Aidan (Not Aidan K, my friend) who was selling mini bow kits. I put it together last night, and it really works well! Thank you Aidan! It shoots across the room, but works better as a crossbow, for a place to rest the arrow on to shoot it.

Infinity Residence

Recently (Like, 2 days ago,) I published the Infinity Residence website to the web ( You can go check it out while I pointlessly explain what it is about/for. In ACE we had an architecture/surface area project, where we had to design and make a building out of Foam core. Since my friends and I were in GT we didn’t have as much time as everyone else. We still finished, though. John was mostly responsible for the main idea of the design. (And PLEASE forgive me if I am a little off on something) Though, I brought up the courtyard idea. Aidan built the model in Minecraft, and I help him (A little, though I mostly worked on the fine details.) Ried was in charge of the landscaping on the final model. Visit to view my website for it. (I built the website on my own time, and some links are broken due to my poor development of the website)

Laser Tag

Yesterday, I had quite a bit of fun at Nick’s birthday. We went to Laser Tag. My codename was “That Guy” so whenever I tagged someone it would say “You were tagged by That Guy.”Also, when someone tagged me, “You tagged That Guy.” I got 23rd in the first game, and 13th in the second. In the first game I got 632 points. The second I got 1215. And at the arcade, I got a giant pen. Bye!

Summer Camp

I’m (likely) going to a summer camp at UT. It’s supposed to be an “Underwater Robotics” camp. It sounds cool! (I’m excited.)

Hopefully, it will be fun.. And BTW: Check out Magnolia Post.It’s cool. And, check out Firefox! (Link’s in the sidebar, for Beta.) The beta is really cool, it has these things called “App Tabs” which are tiny, but they are always open.

They are great for things that you use a lot, like Gmail, or my blog!

Thank you!

The Pseudonym of Blog Posts: What Should it be Called?

Hmm… While I was thinking of a title for this posts, I thought that it could be a pseudonym, but for blog posts. Then I realized I had to make it up because it doesn’t exist, and my lack of extreme creativity caused me some problems. While I think about what to call it, I will continue writing.
I sent this to one of my friends:

So, what were you saying about my question to why Time cant be something other than a dimension?

And got this in reply:

So, in most opinions we are living in 3 dimensions of space and one temporal dimension, or dimension of time. Some people do call this 4 dimensions but this is being less specific because it could be referring to 4d of space, 4d of time, 1d of space and 3d of time, 2d of space and 2d of time, etc. Spacial dimensions are describing in which directions the object can move or how many different measurements it is possible to take along the edges/sides (we supposedly live in 3 dimensions of space because it is possible to measure length, width, and height.)

Time isn’t an [TBS_POPOVER title=”” content=”This means that it isn’t something other than a dimension.” style=”text-decoration:underline” placement=”left”]other[/TBS_POPOVER] , instead it is another type of dimension. With one dimension of time we can in one direction, in this case forwards in time. If we had two dimensions of time we could go forwards and backwards in time.

According to Stephen Hawking originally before the supposed big bang there was only a small speck and this speck of our universe didn’t have laws of physics made (this means that you can’t predict what happened before then) and with this spec there were 4 dimensions of space and no dimensions of time. Then something happened and the fourth dimension of space converted into a first dimension of time.

A one dimensional shape would not be visible to humans because it would not be a line because with a line you can always measure width.

Think about this:
A 2D* shape such as a square is made up of 1D* shapes. (its edges)
A 3D* shape such as a cube is made up of one dimensional shapes such as squares. (its sides)
This means that a 4D* cube-ish thing would be made up of cubes.

If you trapped a 2D* ant in a square he would not be able to escape. A 3D* ant would because he could go over the edges.
If you trapped a 3D* ant in a cube he would not be able to escape. A 4D* ant would be able to escape because he could go through the fourth dimension.

* to be specific this is blank dimensions of space.


It’s awesome.

Test Elements

[TBS_POPOVER title="This is a Test Popover!" content="Cool, interesting popover content to expand your mind" style="text-decoration:underline"]Hi[/TBS_POPOVER]

[TBS_BADGE class=”warning”][TBS_POPOVER title=”This is a Test Popover!” content=”Cool, interesting popover content to expand your mind” style=”text-decoration:underline”]Popover on Badge![/TBS_POPOVER][/TBS_BADGE]

[TBS_ALERT class=”warning”]This is a warning notice[/TBS_ALERT]

Start typing in the field below to show the typeahead results.


I'm Bored Here!

Oh, how boring it is.. The computer I mainly play on doesn’t play Minecraft, this one and another windows laptop don’t really have enough memory (It plays, but A: It is really slow, and B: The trackpads are hard to use.) So, I will be stuck being bored for most of this week. (While my friends are on vacations to Florida.)