Pine Wood Derby

Hello. My Cub Scout Pack recently had a pine wood derby. My car was fast at the beginning but slowed down because the wheel started wobbling. I also have cars from other years that I didn’t race in the open class. The first rank that raced was the wolves then tigers then bears finally webelos I then webelos II. Last was open class.

This year’s car:

Other cars I made:

This one was the fastest one I made.

These cars are in order from first (left) to recent (right).


I will try to post pictures every day. But I know that will not happen. If it does I will be happy. Most likely it will take a few years until that goal is reached. Every day I don’t post a picture the count resets. I want to get 365 pictures, one a day for 1 year.


If you have an XO you know what Sugar is. Sugar is an OS that runs on small computers meant for poor countries like Africa. You can’t buy an XO but you can run sugar on a Mac Windows or Linux computer. To get sugar on a stick go to